Friday, May 29, 2015

     Following are facts about Sepp Blatter, president of the International Federation of Football since 1998 and who was re-elected president of FIFA for a fifth day Friday.
* Born on the tenth of March 1936 in the Swiss town of Visp.

   * He graduated from the University of Sion and St. Moritz in Switzerland and then earned a degree in business administration and economics from the Faculty of Law at the University of Lausanne.

   * Playing football in the period from 1948 to 1971, and played in the first-class Swiss amateur league. Blatter and became a member of the Board of Management of the club Neuchatel 1970 to 1975.

    * Blatter began his professional career as head of public relations for the management of tourism in the Swiss Valais region in 1964 and then became secretary general of the Federation of Swiss ice hockey.

    * Work as the director of the sports management time requirements and public relations company in Longines watch and participated in the organization of the Olympic Games in 1972 and 1976 to contend for the first time with the international sporting arena.

   * Blatter became the secretary general of FIFA in 1981 after 17 years of service under the leadership of former president Joao Havelange, Blatter solution replaces Brazilian predecessor as president of the International Federation in 1998.

   * Blatter faced trouble in 2002 when the Secretary-General of FIFA claimed at the time that Michel Zen Ruffinen, Blatter's victory in the elections held in 1998 was through bribery and corruption and that FIFA is suffering from financial mismanagement at the highest levels.

   * In 2004, Blatter provoked ridicule football players when he suggested that wearing tight shorts.

   * Beat Cameroon's Issa Hayatou, President of the African Union in the 2002 FIFA presidential election to be elected by acclamation as President of FIFA for a third term in 2007.

    * Won a fourth term in 2011, when the country was ruled rival Mohamed bin Hammam from FIFA because of accusations of bribery.

    * Blatter exceeded a series of scandals over the last period of his presidency, which included widespread accusations that Qatar bought the right to host the 2022 World Cup and Qatar has always denied any wrongdoing.

    * Appeared before the FIFA committee values ​​in 2011 in the wake of the bribery scandal that led to stop Bin Hammam for life. Blatter has not been charged at all to obtain bribes but there are allegations that he was aware of this phenomenon and not move to address them. All charges against him have not been proven.

  * Blatter pledged in 2011 not to run again in 2015, but he later announced he would seek a fifth term in office to continue his mission.

  * There was no Blatter for any formal electoral program in spite of his pledge during his speech around the world to pursue his reform agenda and leadership of FIFA back toward transparency for a second.


* Re-elected for a fifth term after he admitted only rival, Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein defeat before a second round of voting after Blatter to get 133 votes for and Jordanian Prince on 73 votes.

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